Balbec Capital
Delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns to investors by identifying unique investment opportunities in alternative credit
Transacting with speed, certainty, and discretion
Disciplined approach to investing in and managing complex assets
Strong sourcing capability driven by deep counterparty relationships globally
Differentiated credit platform led by industry experts
Balbec Capital (“Balbec”) is an SEC-registered alternative investment manager with offices in the United States and Europe. Since its founding in 2010, Balbec has deployed over $23 billion globally through its funds and investment vehicles, seeking to deliver consistent, risk-adjusted returns to investors and long-term partners across asset-based credit strategies.
Balbec is a direct investor in residential and commercial mortgage loans at all stages of performance, mortgage servicing rights, and select consumer and alternative credit assets. Leveraging its proprietary technology and transaction management platform, Balbec efficiently executes highly granular transactions, enabling the firm to serve a broader range of counterparties and generate returns for investors by applying institutional execution standards to inefficient, underserved or fragmented markets.
Balbec’s funds rank among the largest issuers of U.S. residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) through its PRPM shelf. The firm’s investments in agency mortgage servicing rights are sourced via its affiliate, Bungalow Funding.
Balbec has invested in over 20 countries, selectively deploying capital into geographically and asset-diverse opportunities that exhibit attractive risk/reward profiles, upside potential, and substantial downside protection.